Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: The Season of Spring

OH NOOOO!!!! that’s the first thought when I click some new post of friends about this foto challeng. As I’m living in tropical country which only there are two season rain and dry, so there is no certain month of spring or fall. However I try to keep join this challenge with some photos I have which might represent of spring season. Here they are and hope you enjoy it 😀



When the flower start blooming the bee comes for food before the hot sun fade the flowers



After long  rainy season, a seed of tamarind which have been buried underneath when the sun shine to start a dry season it came up with its first leaves. Within the rain and the dry, it’s spring 😀




About ulillala

keep learning, writing, traveling, cooking and being me
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45 Responses to Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: The Season of Spring

  1. gambarpacul says:

    welah ngenggris to La?

  2. magdalena36 says:

    Hello, the first picture with the red flower is sooooo beautiful. I love it.

  3. ibuseno says:

    naaah sama, pas liat photo challange tema ini musim2 di negri bule sana, aku ga punya koleksi hihi

  4. ibuseno says:

    tapi ini foto2nya Mbak Lala keren2… macro ya

    • ulillala says:

      ada yang macro ada yang bukan bu
      yang makro tuh cuman biji asem yang tumbuh itu
      sementara yang lain foto dari jarak jauh malahan
      zoom menthok, apalagi yang ada lebahnya, sulit dah kalo buat macro

  5. ibuseno says:

    tapi ini foto2nya Mbak Lala keren2… macro ya

  6. tinsyam says:

    kembang apa sih yang nomor 3? putri malu?

  7. Cee Neuner says:

    Wonderful photos for this challenge!

  8. syllabubsea says:

    All lovely photos but I particularly like the two with the insects.Great detail.

  9. Pingback: Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: The Season of Spring | unexpectedincommonhours

  10. kz says:

    love these.. the bee photos are great ^^

  11. Opo tho iki artine?
    Fotonya bagus juga ya. Kamu makin hebring! *peluk*

  12. TBM says:

    Wonderful shots for the challenge

  13. Pingback: Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge – Spring | Alastair's Blog

  14. Memory Catcher says:

    Beautiful photos of spring!

  15. Pingback: Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge – The Season of Spring | imexcited

  16. Pingback: Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Pics from my Very Short Spring | humanTriumphant

  17. Pingback: Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: The Season of Spring | SC Surf Butler

  18. Pingback: Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge – Season of Autumn | imexcited

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